研究发现,从事保健领导工作的妇女促进了国家财富和健康,突出了性别差异。 Study finds women in health leadership boost national wealth and health, highlighting gender disparity.
最近对BMJ全球健康的一项研究表明,担任保健领导角色的妇女对国家财富、健康和创新产生积极影响。 A recent study in BMJ Global Health shows that women in health leadership roles positively impact national wealth, health, and innovation. 尽管妇女占保健劳动力的70%,但她们仅占领导职位的25%。 Despite women making up 70% of the healthcare workforce, they hold only 25% of leadership positions. 该研究发现,97%的被审查案例显示出积极影响,认为应加大对妇女领导能力的投资,以促进更好的健康成果和两性平等。 The study, finding 97% of reviewed cases showed positive impacts, argues for more investment in women's leadership to foster better health outcomes and gender equality.