联合国妇女署主任呼吁对有偿护理进行投资,以解决亚太区域的两性不平等问题。 UN Women's director calls for investments in paid care to address gender inequality in Asia-Pacific.
联合国妇女署主任西玛·巴霍斯在曼谷的一次会议上强调,亚太妇女的护理工作比男子多五倍,限制了她们的正式就业。 UN Women's director, Sima Bahous, highlighted at a conference in Bangkok that women in the Asia-Pacific do up to five times more care work than men, limiting their formal employment. 她注意到妇女参政进展缓慢,并强调需要对有偿照料部门进行投资,以减轻无酬照料工作的负担,为妇女创造体面的就业机会。 She noted slow progress in women's political participation and emphasized the need for investments in paid care sectors to ease the burden of unpaid care work and create decent jobs for women. 会议旨在讨论六个关键领域的性别平等和增强妇女权能战略。 The conference aimed to discuss strategies for gender equality and women's empowerment across six key areas.