邦特兰部队在索马里境外扣押了一艘装有军用装备的船只,怀疑与伊斯兰国有联系。 Puntland forces seize a boat with military gear off Somalia, suspecting links to ISIS.
索马里邦特兰安全部队在巴里地区沿海扣押了一艘载有军服和装备的船只。 Puntland security forces in Somalia have seized a boat carrying military uniforms and equipment off the coast of the Bari region. 该船及其索马里船员因可能与伊斯兰国好战分子有联系而正在接受调查。 The vessel and its Somali crew are under investigation for potential links to ISIS militants. 这一行动是继美国在同一地区对伊斯兰国进行空袭之后进行的,它突出了该区域打击恐怖主义的持续努力。 This operation follows a US airstrike targeting ISIS in the same area, and highlights ongoing efforts to combat terrorism in the region. 当局强调必须干扰极端主义团体的供应线。 Authorities emphasize the importance of disrupting supply lines for extremist groups.