索马里海盗扣押了也门渔船,标志着2024年索马里沿海海盗活动增加。 Somali pirates seize Yemeni fishing boat, marking a rise in piracy off Somalia's coast in 2024.
据当局说,索马里海盗在索马里沿海的Eyl附近扣押了一艘也门渔船。 Somali pirates have seized a Yemeni fishing boat off the coast of Somalia near Eyl, according to authorities. 欧洲海军行动EUNAVFOR Atalanta正在调查该事件。 The European naval operation EUNAVFOR Atalanta is investigating the incident. 海盗偷走了三艘装有60马力引擎的小船。 The pirates stole three small boats with 60-horsepower engines. 这次袭击标志着海盗活动死灰复燃,据报2024年在索马里境外发生了7起事件,部分原因是也门胡塞叛乱分子造成的不安全。 This attack marks a resurgence in piracy, with seven reported incidents off Somalia in 2024, partly due to insecurity from Yemen's Houthi rebels.