巴基斯坦海军在北阿拉伯海缴获100万美元毒品,加强了禁毒工作。 Pakistan Navy seizes $1M drug shipment in North Arabian Sea, boosting anti-narcotics efforts.
巴基斯坦海军在北阿拉伯海的一次禁毒行动中缴获了价值约100万美元的一批毒品。 The Pakistan Navy seized a drug shipment valued at about one million US dollars during an anti-narcotics operation in the North Arabian Sea. 在海军航空资产的支持下,在一次登船行动期间,在可疑船只的包厢内发现了这些毒品。 The drugs were found hidden in a suspicious boat's compartments during a boarding operation, with support from naval air assets. 这项行动是海军制止其海上边界非法活动努力的一部分。 This operation is part of the Navy's efforts to curb illegal activities in its maritime borders.