三菱和日本天然气线在日本获得新的二氧化碳运输船的批准。 Mitsubishi and Nippon Gas Line get approval for new CO2 transport ships in Japan.
三菱造船公司和日本天然气线公司已获得原则批准,为日本沿海运输设计新的低压液化CO2载体。 Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and Nippon Gas Line have received Approval in Principle for a new low-pressure liquefied CO2 carrier designed for coastal transportation in Japan. 这一发展支持了该国的碳捕获和储存项目,使捕获的二氧化碳能够运输到储存地点或出口。 This development supports the country's carbon capture and storage projects by enabling the transport of captured CO2 to storage sites or for export. 随着二氧化碳捕获和储存项目扩大,小型船舶的需求预计将增加。 The small-sized ships are expected to become more in demand as CCS projects expand.