KiwiRail和Fonterra重新启动到北方的全面铁路运输,减少排放量,改善安全。 KiwiRail and Fonterra restart full rail transport to Northland, cutting emissions and improving safety.
KiwiRail和Fonterra标志着铁路总量已完全返回北方,北奥克兰线于9月重新开放。 KiwiRail and Fonterra have marked the full return of rail volume to Northland, with the North Auckland Line reopening in September. Fonterra现在每天运输16辆铁路车,比公路运输每吨减少70%的碳排放量。 Fonterra now transports 16 rail wagons daily, reducing carbon emissions by 70% per tonne compared to road transport. 通过改善排水、加强斜坡和新的保留结构、加强安全和降低道路维护费用,该线路的复原力得到改善。 The line's resilience has been improved with better drainage, slope strengthening, and new retaining structures, enhancing safety and lowering road maintenance costs.