KiSS广播电台庆祝黑人历史月, KiSS radio stations celebrate Black History Month by highlighting Black achievements through their Seek app.
2月各城市的KIS电台通过强调黑人社区的成就和经验,庆祝黑人历史月。 KiSS radio stations across various cities are celebrating Black History Month in February by highlighting the achievements and experiences of the Black community. 鼓励收听者通过Sear App来探索这些故事, 让他们能找到更多有关黑人历史的信息和内容。 Listeners are encouraged to explore these stories through the Seek app, where they can find more information and content related to Black history. 这些电台为更深入参与庆祝活动和叙事提供了联系。 The stations provide a link for deeper engagement with the celebrations and narratives.