圣奥古斯丁海滩标志第一个黑人历史月,而巴拿马城则以教育活动庆祝。 St. Augustine Beach marks first Black History Month, while Panama City celebrates with educational events.
圣奥古斯丁海滩宣布2025年2月为黑人历史月, St. Augustine Beach declared February 2025 as Black History Month, marking a first for the city. 同时,巴拿马城与Bay县有色人种协进会一起庆祝,以表演和演讲强调教育的重要性以及除了奴隶制之外黑人历史的全部范围。 Meanwhile, Panama City celebrated with the Bay County NAACP, featuring performances and speakers stressing the importance of education and the full scope of black history beyond slavery. 这些活动突显了为表彰和庆祝非裔美国人对当地社区的贡献而正在进行的努力。 The events highlight ongoing efforts to recognize and celebrate African American contributions in local communities.