Henry Clay Estate为受奴役妇女揭幕黑色历史月之旅和2026年雕像计划。 Henry Clay Estate unveils Black History Month tours and plans 2026 statue for enslaved woman.
肯塔基州的亨利·克莱庄园推出了一个新的黑人历史月计划",当理性睡觉时,残忍走得自由", The Henry Clay Estate in Kentucky has launched a new Black History Month program, "When Reason Sleeps, Brutality Walks Free," offering tours telling stories of enslaved individuals. 庄园还宣布了2026年“我的祖先的呼吸”纪念碑的计划。 纪念神像是Charlotte Dupuy的雕像,她是一位被奴役的妇女,她为自由提出诉讼。 The estate also announced plans for a 2026 memorial, "Breath of My Ancestors," featuring a statue of Charlotte Dupuy, an enslaved woman who sued for her freedom. 2月17日的游览是免费的, 包括当地艺术家制作的当代艺术作品。 The tours are free on February 17 and include contemporary art pieces by local artists.