Johnson县警长确认在一项为期三年的 88 000美元的 调查中没有发现选举欺诈 Johnson County Sheriff confirms no election fraud found in a three-year, $88,000 investigation.
新当选的约翰逊郡警长Byron Roberson证实,对选举欺诈指控进行的为期三年的88 000美元调查发现,在2020年选举中或此后没有发现任何欺诈证据。 Newly-elected Johnson County Sheriff Byron Roberson confirmed that a three-year, $88,000 investigation into election fraud allegations found no evidence of fraud in the 2020 election or since. 调查由前警长Calvin Hayden发起,涉及广泛的监视和软件,但仅以3个人的投诉为依据。 The investigation, initiated by former Sheriff Calvin Hayden, involved extensive surveillance and software but was based on complaints from only three individuals. Roberson强调,他的办公室致力于重建公共信任和确保选举的完整性。 Roberson emphasized his office's commitment to rebuilding public trust and ensuring election integrity.