法官暂时禁止塞米诺尔县选举监督员克里斯·安德森(Chris Anderson)违反竞选法。 Judge temporarily injunctions Seminole County Supervisor of Elections, Chris Anderson, due to campaign law violations.
法官对Seminole县选举监督员Chris Anderson就潜在违反竞选法的行为发布临时禁令,包括提前在投票地点邀请选民和干扰选举进程。 Judge issues temporary injunction against Seminole County Supervisor of Elections, Chris Anderson, over potential campaign law violations, including soliciting voters at an early voting location and interfering with the election process. Anderson正在竞选连任,他有一些竞选标志违反了法规,所采取的某些行动被视为拉客。 Anderson, who is running for re-election, has had some campaign signs ruled to violate statutes, and certain actions taken were deemed soliciting. 初步禁止令听讯定于次日上午8时15分举行。 A preliminary injunction hearing is set for 8:15 a.m. the following day.