德克萨斯州 AG Paxton 的选举诚信部门在 2022 年选举期间在 3 个县执行了搜查令,指控选举舞弊。 Texas AG Paxton's Election Integrity Unit executed search warrants in 3 counties over election fraud allegations during 2022 elections.
得克萨斯州总检察长肯·帕克斯顿选举廉正股在Bexar、Atascosa和Frio县执行搜查令,这是对2022年选举期间选举舞弊和收选票指控进行持续调查的一部分。 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's Election Integrity Unit executed search warrants in Bexar, Atascosa, and Frio counties as part of an ongoing investigation into allegations of election fraud and vote harvesting during the 2022 elections. 调查是在81区司法检察官Oudrey Louis转交案件之后开始的。 The investigation began after a referral from the 81st Judicial District Attorney Audrey Louis. 在过去两年中,调查人员收集了证据,导致最近发出搜查令。 Over the past two years, investigators have compiled evidence leading to the recent search warrants. 帕克斯顿办事处强调安全选举的重要性,强调他们致力于保护投票箱和合法选票的完整性。 Paxton's office emphasized the importance of secure elections and their commitment to protecting the integrity of the ballot box and legal votes.