爱尔兰WRC裁决者否认记者关于较高薪酬和晋升的要求,认为目前的84 630欧元赔偿是适当的。 Irish WRC adjudicator denies journalist's claim for higher pay and promotion, deeming current €84,630 compensation adequate.
爱尔兰的一名 WRC 裁判驳回了一名记者要求更高薪水和晋升的申请,称他已经获得了“丰厚的报酬”。 A WRC adjudicator in Ireland ruled against a journalist's claims for higher pay and promotion, stating he was already "well compensated." 该记者每年收入为84 630欧元,主张晋升为新闻播报员或助理编辑,并自2010年以来为其工作支付额外报酬。 The journalist, earning €84,630 annually, argued for a promotion to newscaster or assistant editor and additional pay for his work since 2010. 裁决者认为他的申诉无效,指出他的津贴已经可领取养恤金,足以补偿他的工作。 The adjudicator found his claims invalid, noting that his allowances were already pensionable, adequately compensating him for his work.