Google编辑AI道德准则,放弃反对武器及监视技术开发的承诺。 Google edits AI ethics guidelines, dropping pledge against weapon and surveillance tech development.
Google在其AI道德准则中删除了一节,其中保证不为武器或监视制定AI。 Google has removed a section from its AI ethics guidelines that pledged not to develop AI for weapons or surveillance. 现在,更新的重点是确保负责任的发展,并符合人权和国际法。 The update now focuses on ensuring responsible development and alignment with human rights and international law. 这一变化是继内部辩论和前任雇员抗议谷歌参与军事项目后发生的。 This change follows internal debates and previous employee protests over Google’s involvement in military projects. 该公司称,更新反映了对AI风险和潜力的更深刻理解。 The company claims the update reflects a deeper understanding of AI risks and potential.