2017年孟买高等法院维持对Sunil Kuchkoravi的死刑判决, Bombay High Court upholds death penalty for Sunil Kuchkoravi in 2017 mother's murder case.
孟买高等法院维持了对Sunil Kuchkoravi的死刑判决,Sunil Kuchkoravi因2017年谋杀其63岁的母亲YallamaYallama被判有罪,并据称吞噬了她身体的一部分。 The Bombay High Court has upheld the death penalty for Sunil Kuchkoravi, convicted of murdering his 63-year-old mother, Yallama, in 2017 and allegedly consuming parts of her body. 法院将此案归类为"最罕见的罕见案", 确认了科尔哈普尔法院的2021年首次死刑判决. The court classified the case as "rarest of rare," affirming the initial 2021 death sentence from a Kolhapur court. Kuchkoravi对他的定罪提出的上诉被驳回,他目前被关押在Yerwada监狱。 Kuchkoravi's appeal against his conviction was dismissed, and he is currently incarcerated at Yerwada prison. 他计划向最高法院提出上诉。 He plans to appeal to the Supreme Court.