DDB Worldwide 推出“Feels Barometer”,帮助品牌创建更具情感吸引力的广告。 DDB Worldwide launches "Feels Barometer" to help brands create more emotionally engaging ads.
DDB Worldwide 推出了“感觉晴雨表”,这是一种新工具,旨在帮助品牌通过分析人类情绪来创造具有情感吸引力的内容。 DDB Worldwide has introduced the "Feels Barometer," a new tool designed to help brands create emotionally engaging content by analyzing human emotions. 《感觉晴雨表》利用全球专家的深刻见解和各种研究,力求通过捕捉消费者的情感反应,在当今拥挤的广告市场中突出表现。 Developed with insights from global experts and diverse research, the Feels Barometer aims to stand out in today's crowded advertising market by capturing consumers' emotional responses. 这种创新办法可以使品牌的营销活动更具影响力和相关性,从而使品牌具有竞争优势。 This innovative approach could give brands a competitive edge by making their marketing campaigns more impactful and relatable.