威斯康星州州长托尼·埃弗斯批准1.608亿美元用于州项目,包括5 000万美元用于全州50个社区基础设施项目。 Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers approves $160.8 million for state projects, including $50 million for 50 community infrastructure projects statewide.
威斯康星州州长托尼·埃弗斯宣布由威斯康星州建筑委员会批准1.608亿美元用于州项目。 Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers announced the approval of $160.8 million for state projects by the Wisconsin State Building Commission. 这包括通过新的非国家赠款方案为50个旨在改善卫生、经济发展、艺术和公共服务基础设施的社区项目拨款5 000万美元。 This includes $50 million allocated through the new Non-State Grant Program for 50 community projects aimed at improving infrastructure in health, economic development, arts, and public services. 资金旨在满足全国的社区需求,确保城乡地区之间的公平分配。 The funding seeks to address community needs statewide, ensuring equitable distribution between urban and rural areas.