威斯康星州上诉法院为 PFAS 清理工作确立了监管规则制定优先权。 Wisconsin appeals court establishes regulatory rule-making precedence for PFAS clean-up efforts.
威斯康星州上诉法院裁定,监管机构必须在强制执行清理工作之前制定 PFAS 限制。 Wisconsin appeals court rules that regulators must establish PFAS restrictions before mandating clean-up efforts. 这一决定出台之际,包括阿拉巴马州和怀俄明州在内的美国各州都在努力解决 PFAS 污染问题。 The decision comes as states across the U.S., including Alabama to Wyoming, work on addressing PFAS contamination. 法院在清理行动之前关注规则制定,凸显了明确、科学的限制在应对环境挑战方面的重要性。 The court's focus on rule-making before clean-up actions highlights the importance of clear, scientifically-based restrictions in addressing environmental challenges.