弗吉尼亚州参议院通过法案,保护医生不因性别确认和生殖保健而被引渡。 Virginia Senate passes bill to shield doctors from extradition for gender-affirming and reproductive care.
弗吉尼亚州参议院通过了一项法案,保护医生不被引渡到其他州,因为提供在弗吉尼亚州合法的性别确认和生殖保健服务。 Virginia's Senate has passed a bill that would protect doctors from being extradited to other states for providing gender-affirming and reproductive care that is legal in Virginia. 由民主党加扎拉·哈什米(Democrat Ghazala Hashmi)提出的法案引发了辩论,共和党人认为该法案可能被用来逃避其他州的法律。 The bill, sponsored by Democrat Ghazala Hashmi, has sparked debate, with Republicans arguing it could be used to evade other states' laws. 立法现在面向众议院,并可能面临总督格伦·扬金的否决。 The legislation now heads to the House and could face a veto from Governor Glenn Youngkin.