16 名共和党总检察长警告缅因州不要通过未成年人变性手术庇护法案,威胁采取法律行动,并认为该法案侵犯了各州的权利和美国宪法。 16 Republican AGs warn Maine against passing a sanctuary bill for minors' sex-change surgeries, threatening legal action and arguing it violates states' rights and the U.S. Constitution.
16 名共和党议员警告缅因州不要通过一项法案,该法案将把该州建立为未成年人变性手术等手术的庇护所,并威胁称,如果该措施获得通过,将采取法律行动。 16 Republican AGs warn Maine against passing a bill that would establish the state as a sanctuary for procedures like sex-change surgeries for minors, threatening legal action if the measure is passed. 该法案由缅因州众议员安妮·佩里 (Anne Perry) 提出,旨在保护进行跨性别护理和堕胎的州外患者和医疗保健提供者。 The bill, proposed by Maine Rep. Anne Perry, aims to protect out-of-state patients and healthcare providers who perform transgender care and abortions. 总检察长认为,该法案无视各州的自治权,并且违反了美国宪法。 The AGs argue that this bill disregards states' rights to govern themselves and would violate the U.S. Constitution.