爱达荷州共和党领导的立法机构通过法案,禁止为性别肯定护理提供医疗补助资金。 Idaho GOP-led Legislature passes bill banning Medicaid funding for gender-affirming care.
爱达荷州共和党领导的立法机构通过了一项法案,禁止使用公共资金进行性别肯定护理,包括针对国家雇员和医疗补助覆盖的成年人。 Idaho's GOP-led Legislature passed a bill banning the use of public funds for gender-affirming care, including for state employees and adults covered by Medicaid. 如果签署成为法律,爱达荷州将成为第十个禁止医疗补助资金为所有年龄段的人提供性别肯定护理的州。 If signed into law, Idaho would become the 10th state to prohibit Medicaid funding for gender-affirming care for people of all ages. 爱达荷州美国公民自由联盟谴责参议院的决定,并预计将在联邦法院提起诉讼。 The American Civil Liberties Union of Idaho condemned the Senate's decision and anticipates a lawsuit in federal court.