美国的关税威胁着加拿大元的进一步下跌,表明投资者信心减弱。 U.S. tariffs threaten further decline of the Canadian dollar, signaling weaker investor confidence.
据一位货币专家说,如果最近宣布的美国关税继续长期维持下去,称为“卢尼”的加拿大元有可能进一步下跌。 The Canadian dollar, known as the "Loonie," is at risk of further decline if recently announced U.S. tariffs continue long-term, according to a currency expert. 关税已经导致 Loonie 下跌,表明投资者对加拿大经济的信心减弱。 The tariffs have already caused the Loonie to fall, signaling weaker investor confidence in the Canadian economy. 没有提供有关关税的具体细节,但这类措施通常损害贸易关系和经济前景。 The specific details of the tariffs were not provided, but such measures typically harm trade relations and economic outlooks.