英国卫生秘书批评国民保健体系中的“反白人”主张,强调平等和循证护理。 UK Health Secretary criticizes "anti-whiteness" claims in NHS, stressing equality and evidence-based care.
英国卫生部长Wes Streating批评国民保健制度内「反白人」主张, UK Health Secretary Wes Streeting criticized "anti-whiteness" claims within the NHS, arguing they undermine diversity and inclusion efforts. 他强调了癌症结果中的种族差异,呼吁采取循证办法解决健康不平等问题。 He highlighted racial disparities in cancer outcomes and called for an evidence-based approach to address health inequalities. 街头流浪强调,需要有一个以病人为中心的国民保健体系,倾听病人的意见,注重人人平等。 Streeting emphasized the need for a patient-centered NHS that listens to patients and focuses on equality for all.