Stourbridge和Birmingham之间的列车服务由于技术故障而中断,造成延误和取消。 Train services between Stourbridge and Birmingham are disrupted due to technical failures, causing delays and cancellations.
Stourbridge和Birmingham之间的列车服务由于点数故障而中断,造成中地西部铁路的延误和取消。 Train services between Stourbridge and Birmingham are disrupted due to a points failure, causing delays and cancellations on West Midlands Railway. Langley Green和Smethwick Galton大桥之间因信号问题延误了15分钟。 Chiltern Railways also reports delays of up to 15 minutes between Langley Green and Smethwick Galton Bridge due to signalling issues. 两家公司都建议乘客检查国家铁路网站,以了解最新情况。 Both companies advise passengers to check the National Rail website for updates.