南卡罗来纳州考虑扩大家庭暴力保护范围,以包括约会伙伴和同性伴侣。 South Carolina considers expanding domestic violence protections to include dating and same-sex partners.
南卡罗来纳州立法者正在考虑扩大对家庭暴力受害人的保护范围,以包括未结婚或共有子女的约会伴侣,弥补各州法律中目前存在的空白。 South Carolina lawmakers are considering expanding protections for domestic violence victims to include dating partners who are not married or sharing a child, addressing a gap that currently exists in the state's laws. 拟议的立法还将更新该法,将同性伴侣包括在内。 The proposed legislation would also update the law to include same-sex couples. 虽然全国步枪协会以对火器权利的关切为由反对这项提案,但该法案已经提交参议院司法委员会进一步审议。 While the National Rifle Association opposes the proposal, citing concerns about firearm rights, the bill has advanced to the Senate Judiciary Committee for further consideration.