从纪念2022年卡特特县飞机失事的 受害者纪念碑上偷来的6个鸭子诱饵 Six duck decoys stolen from a memorial honoring victims of a 2022 plane crash in Carteret County.
Carteret县议员正在调查6个鸭子诱饵从纪念地点被盗的事件, 纪念2022年飞机坠毁的受害者, 造成4名东卡特里特高中学生和其他4名学生丧生。 Carteret County deputies are investigating the theft of six duck decoys from a memorial site honoring victims of a 2022 plane crash that killed four East Carteret High School students and four others. 该纪念碑位于70号公路上,目的是纪念在一次猎鸭旅行中丧生的人。 The memorial, on Highway 70, was created to commemorate those lost during a duck hunting trip. 当局正在要求公众提供任何信息,并提供了警长办公室和犯罪制止者的联系方式。 Authorities are requesting any information from the public and have provided contact details for the sheriff's office and Crime Stoppers.