澳大利亚学校在发现罕见的鸭子因地面原因死亡和被肢解后寻求帮助。 School in Australia seeks help after rare ducks found dead and mutilated on grounds.
新南威尔士的Murrumburrah高中在两只罕见的萨克森鸭(学校农业计划的一部分)被发现在校园死亡和被肢解后,正在寻求帮助。 Murrumburrah High School in New South Wales is seeking help after two rare Saxony ducks, part of the school's agriculture program, were found dead and mutilated on the school grounds. 事件发生在12月18日至19日之间一夜之间,此前学校喷洒系统受损。 The incident occurred overnight between December 18 and 19 and follows previous damage to the school's sprinkler system. 警方和地方议员Michael McCormack 正在敦促任何有情报的人站出来。 Police and local MP Michael McCormack are urging anyone with information to come forward.