搜索和救援志愿者的设备在Sasquatch任务后被盗,促使筹资努力。 Search and rescue volunteers' equipment stolen after Sasquatch mission, prompting fundraising effort.
斯卡马尼亚县搜救小组在寻找在吉福德Pinchot国家森林捕猎Sasquatch时死亡的两名男子后,其基本设备被盗。 The Skamania County Search and Rescue team had their essential equipment stolen after searching for two men who died while hunting for Sasquatch in Gifford Pinchot National Forest. 这些盗贼闯入储藏院,偷窃救援工具和价值数千美元的医疗用品。 The thieves broke into the storage yard, stealing rescue tools and medical supplies valued at thousands of dollars. 该队是志愿人员经营的非营利小组,发起了GoFundMe运动,以取代被盗物品,迄今已筹集了12 000多美元。 The team, which is volunteer-run and nonprofit, has launched a GoFundMe campaign to replace the stolen items, raising over $12,000 so far.