新加坡旅游部门超过了人口大流行前的水平,2024年游客人数为1 650万,支出为27.5B至29B美元。 Singapore's tourism sector surpasses pre-pandemic levels, with 2024 seeing 16.5 million visitors and $27.5B to $29B in spending.
新加坡旅游部门正在经历强劲的复苏,2024名游客抵达人数达到1 650万人,比2023年增加了21%,预计支出将达到275亿至290亿美元,超过人口规模前的水平。 Singapore's tourism sector is experiencing a strong recovery, with 2024 arrivals reaching 16.5 million, up 21% from 2023, and spending expected to hit $27.5 to $29 billion, surpassing pre-pandemic levels. 访问源最多的是中国、印度尼西亚和印度。 The top visitor sources are China, Indonesia, and India. 增长受到一些因素的推动,例如与中国的签证豁免和增加空中连通性。 The growth is fueled by factors like the visa exemption with China and increased air connectivity. 对于2025年,STB预测有17至1850万游客,支出可能达到29至305亿美元。 For 2025, the STB forecasts 17 to 18.5 million visitors, with spending potentially reaching $29 to $30.5 billion.