面对伦理问题,苏格兰学生性别调查数据在有争议的情况下提供给研究人员。 Scottish student sex survey data, facing ethical concerns, is made available to researchers amid controversy.
对14岁及14岁以上学生进行的一项有争议的苏格兰“性别调查”提供的数据现在可供外部研究人员查阅,该调查询问了性经历。 Data from a controversial Scottish "sex survey" for students aged 14 and over, which asked about sexual experiences, is now available to external researchers. 苏格兰半数地方议会出于对同意和匿名的关切而选择退出。 Half of Scotland's local councils opted out due to concerns over consent and anonymity. 虽然苏格兰政府保证将这些数据用于研究,而不确认学生的身份,但父母和学术界对信息的处理提出了伦理问题。 While the Scottish Government assures that the data will be used for research without identifying students, parents and academics have raised ethical concerns about the handling of the information.