澳大利亚学校在工作书上对青少年的性教育内容有明确的规定, Australian school faces backlash over workbook with explicit sex education content for teens.
澳大利亚的Hunter Valley Grammar学校在长达10年的卫生工作手册中面临反弹,该手册载有明确的性内容,包括列举性行为的活动。 Hunter Valley Grammar School in Australia is facing backlash over a year 10 health workbook containing sexually explicit content, including activities on listing sex acts. 家长认为材料不合适,而学校校长Rebecca Butterworth则认为材料适龄,是教师同意所必需。 Parents argue the material is inappropriate, while the school's principal, Rebecca Butterworth, defends it as age-appropriate and necessary for teaching consent. 新南威尔士州教育标准管理局支持学校在选择教材方面的自主权。 The NSW Education Standards Authority supports schools' autonomy in choosing educational materials.