卡塔尔谴责最近的昆都士爆炸,反对暴力,并向阿富汗表示哀悼。 Qatar condemns recent Kunduz bombing, opposes violence, and extends condolences to Afghanistan.
卡塔尔强烈谴责最近在阿富汗昆都士省发生的造成死伤的爆炸事件。 Qatar strongly condemned a recent bombing in Afghanistan's Kunduz province that led to deaths and injuries. 外交部重申卡塔尔反对所有形式的暴力和恐怖主义。 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirmed Qatar's opposition to all forms of violence and terrorism. 卡塔尔向受害者家属、阿富汗看守政府和阿富汗人民表示哀悼,并希望受伤者迅速康复。 Qatar expressed condolences to the victims' families, the Afghan caretaker government, and the people of Afghanistan, and wished a quick recovery for the injured.