OpenAI 推出 Deep Research,这是一种用于快速创建专业研究报告的 AI 工具。 OpenAI launches Deep Research, an AI tool for quick creation of professional research reports.
OpenAI 推出了 Deep Research,这是一种 AI 工具,可快速综合来自互联网的信息以创建全面的研究报告。 OpenAI has launched Deep Research, an AI tool that quickly synthesizes information from the internet to create comprehensive research reports. Deep Research 专为金融和科学等领域的专业人士设计,可以在几分钟内完成通常需要数小时的任务。 Designed for professionals in fields like finance and science, Deep Research can complete tasks that usually take hours in just minutes. 该工具可供 ChatGPT Pro 用户使用,并将很快扩展到其他订阅者。 The tool is available to ChatGPT Pro users and will expand to other subscribers soon. 它使用 o3 模型,针对 Web 浏览和数据分析进行了优化,但仍处于早期阶段,可能会出现一些不准确之处。 It uses the o3 model, optimized for web browsing and data analysis, but is still in early stages and may present some inaccuracies.