OpenAI 推出人工智能搜索引擎 SearchGPT,以挑战谷歌的主导地位。 OpenAI launches AI-powered search engine, SearchGPT, to challenge Google's dominance.
微软支持的人工智能研究实验室 OpenAI 推出了名为 SearchGPT 的人工智能搜索引擎,挑战谷歌在搜索市场的主导地位。 OpenAI, the AI research lab backed by Microsoft, has launched an AI-powered search engine called SearchGPT, challenging Google's dominance in the search market. 该原型仅向有限的用户和出版商开放,旨在通过将对话式人工智能功能与实时网络数据相结合,为用户提供快速、准确的答案和清晰、相关的来源。 The prototype, available to a limited group of users and publishers, is designed to provide users with fast, accurate answers and clear, relevant sources by combining conversational AI capabilities with real-time web data.