Google为Gemini用户推出“深层研究”这一AI工具,通过网络研究产生全面报告。 Google introduces Deep Research, an AI tool for Gemini subscribers that generates comprehensive reports from web research.
Google推出了“深层研究”这一供Gemini高级订户使用的AI工具,使用户能够进行详细的网络研究和编制综合报告。 Google has launched Deep Research, an AI tool for Gemini Advanced subscribers, enabling users to conduct detailed web research and generate comprehensive reports. 用户可以批准关于某一具体专题的研究计划,Gemini将报告与所引资料来源一起汇编。 Users can approve a research plan for a specific topic, and Gemini compiles a report with cited sources. 该工具在桌面和移动网页上以英文提供,模仿人类研究过程,引起对学术廉正和对批判性思维技能的影响的关切。 Available in English on desktop and mobile web, the tool mimics human research processes, raising concerns about academic integrity and the impact on critical thinking skills.