北爱尔兰第一大臣要求英国提供更多资金, 批评削减养恤金领取者福利。 Northern Ireland's First Minister demands more funding from UK, criticizes cuts to pensioner benefits.
北爱尔兰第一大臣米歇尔·奥尼尔(Michelle O'Neill)要求英国政府提供更多资金, 强调需要改善公共服务, Northern Ireland's First Minister Michelle O'Neill is pressing for better funding from the UK government, highlighting the need for improved public services and criticizing recent cuts to winter fuel payments for pensioners. 自一年前北爱尔兰行政机构恢复以来,她和副首席部长Emma Little-Pengelly一直为改善关系和公共服务而努力。 She and Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly have worked to improve relations and public services since the restoration of the Northern Ireland Executive a year ago. 联合王国国务卿挑战斯托蒙特为公共服务改革作出艰难决定,认为筹资不是主要障碍。 The UK Secretary of State has challenged Stormont to make tough decisions for public service reform, arguing that funding is not the main obstacle.