去年,有 370 万印度尼西亚人在网上非法赌博,下注 200 亿美元。 3.7 million Indonesians gambled online illegally last year, placing $20 billion in bets.
印度尼西亚面临严重的赌博问题, 去年有370万公民在线赌博, 尽管赌注是非法的, Indonesia is facing a significant gambling issue, with 3.7 million citizens engaging in online gambling last year, placing $20 billion in bets despite it being illegal. 政府试图通过封锁海外赌博网站和将VPN服务列入黑名单来打击这种现象,但赌徒已经找到绕过限制的办法。 The government has attempted to combat this by blocking overseas gambling websites and blacklisting some VPN services, but gamblers have found ways to bypass restrictions. 这个问题导致自杀、谋杀和与赌博成瘾有关的离婚增加,促使政府成立了一个针对经营者和有组织犯罪的工作队。 The problem has led to increased suicides, murders, and divorces linked to gambling addiction, prompting the government to set up a task force targeting operators and organized crime. 然而,批评者认为,这些努力还不够,工作队需要调查网上赌博业背后的更大的犯罪网络。 However, critics argue that the efforts are not enough and that the task force needs to investigate larger criminal networks behind the online gambling industry.