Grubhub报告了影响客户和雇员数据的数据违反情况;调查正在进行中。 Grubhub reports data breach affecting customer and employee data; investigation underway.
Grubhub由于与第三方服务提供者有关的异常活动,数据被破坏,影响到客户、司机和商人。 Grubhub experienced a data breach affecting customers, drivers, and merchants, due to unusual activity linked to a third-party service provider. 个人细节,如姓名、电子邮件、电话号码和部分信用卡号码,以及一些系统的散列密码等,已经失密。 Personal details like names, emails, phone numbers, and partial credit card numbers were compromised, along with hashed passwords for some systems. 银行账户和社会保障数字没有受到影响。 Bank accounts and Social Security numbers were not affected. Grubhub终止了提供商的准入,并正在调查这一事件,尽管受影响的个人人数和确切时间尚未披露。 Grubhub has terminated the provider’s access and is investigating the incident, though the number of affected individuals and exact timing are undisclosed.