Grubhub公司通过欺骗性做法解决了25M美元,以退还客户并提高透明度。 Grubhub settles for $25M over deceptive practices, to refund customers and improve transparency.
Grubhub将支付2 500万美元,以支付联邦贸易委员会和伊利诺伊州总检察长对损害顾客、司机和餐馆的欺骗做法所收取的费用。 Grubhub will pay $25 million to settle charges by the Federal Trade Commission and Illinois Attorney General for deceptive practices that harmed customers, drivers, and restaurants. 指控包括误导交货费用、冻结账户、未经餐厅同意将餐馆列入名单。 Accusations include misleading delivery costs, blocking accounts, and listing restaurants without their consent. Grubhub现在将停止增加意外费, 提高司机收入的透明度, 并提供更明确的注销账户选项。 Grubhub will now stop adding surprise fees, be more transparent about driver earnings, and provide clearer account cancellation options. 大部分的和解将转至消费者退款。 Most of the settlement will go to consumer refunds.