Berkeley县Cross的移动家中发生火灾,严重伤害1人,上午9时已灭火。 Fire in mobile home in Cross, Berkeley County, critically injures one, fire contained by 9 a.m.
星期二上午,伯克利州Cross的一家单体流动住宅发生火灾,造成一人重伤,被空运到医院。 A fire broke out in a single-wide mobile home in Cross, Berkeley County, on Tuesday morning, resulting in one person being critically injured and airlifted to a hospital. 消防员于上午7时15分左右对现场作出反应,并在上午9时控制了火势,火势涉及大约一半的结构。 Firefighters responded to the scene around 7:15 a.m. and managed to control the blaze, which had involved about half of the structure, by 9 a.m. 火灾的起因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation.