星期五早些时候荷兰的一次流动家庭火灾被扑灭,未报告有人受伤。 A mobile home fire in Holland early Friday was extinguished with no injuries reported.
周五清晨在荷兰西假日移动家庭公园发生移动式家庭火灾。 A mobile home fire occurred early Friday morning at Holiday West Mobile Home Park in Holland. 来自多个管辖区的消防员迅速作出反应,大约于上午6时20分到达。 Firefighters from multiple jurisdictions responded quickly, arriving around 6:20 AM. 所有人类居民和一只猫安全撤离,同时一只狗通过窗户获救并获得氧气。 All human residents and a cat evacuated safely, while a dog was rescued through a window and received oxygen. 没有报告有人受伤。 There were no reported injuries. 火灾原因正在调查之中,已与红十字会联系,以协助受影响者。 The cause of the fire is under investigation, and the Red Cross has been contacted to assist those affected.