华盛顿特区议会提出紧急立法,解决因疫情相关的未付房租造成的1亿美元负担得起的住房危机. D.C. Council proposes emergency legislation to address $100M affordable housing crisis due to pandemic-related unpaid rent.
特区理事会正在提出紧急立法,以解决经济适用住房提供者面临的金融危机,这一流行病期间的未付租金加剧了这一危机,从2020年的1 100万美元猛增至今年的1亿美元。 The D.C. Council is proposing emergency legislation to tackle a financial crisis for affordable housing providers, exacerbated by unpaid rent during the pandemic, which has surged from $11 million in 2020 to $100 million this year. 该法案将取消大流行时期的租房援助资格自我证明,并给予法官对驱逐停留的酌处权。 The bill would remove pandemic-era self-attestation for rental assistance eligibility and give judges discretion over eviction stays. 倡导者欢迎这项建议,但他们警告说,这可能导致大规模驱逐和对租户的保护不足。 While advocates welcome the proposal, they warn it may lead to large-scale evictions and inadequate protections for tenants.