比林斯的水账单系统审计发现软件问题给15 000名客户造成延误和错误。 Billings' water billing system audit revealed software issues caused delays and errors for 15,000 customers.
对比林斯水费计费系统的审计表明,虽然米数准确,新系统现在的运行精确度为98.4%,但最初的软件问题造成该市40 000名客户中约15 000名客户的计费延误和错误。 An audit of Billings' water billing system showed that while meters were accurate and the new system now operates at 98.4% accuracy, initial software issues caused billing delays and errors for about 15,000 of the city's 40,000 customers. 该市人工更正了这些账单,承认通信失败,并计划与客户就付款计划进行合作。 The city manually corrected these bills, acknowledged communication failures, and plans to work with customers on payment plans. 没有发现由于仪表不准确而超额收费的情况,但审计突出了过渡期间的重大项目管理错误。 No overbilling due to meter inaccuracies was found, but the audit highlighted significant project management errors during the transition.