新西兰的研究显示,量排水费降低了消费,延误了基础设施需求,并促进了低收入家庭的公平。 New Zealand research shows volumetric water charging reduces consumption, delays infrastructure needs, and promotes fairness for low-income households.
新西兰基础设施委员会的研究显示,通过减少用水量、推迟对新基础设施的需求、促进低收入家庭的公平和成本节约,向客户和供应商收取水量费用可以大大有利于客户和供应商。 New Zealand Infrastructure Commission's research reveals that volumetric water charging can significantly benefit both customers and suppliers by reducing water consumption, delaying the need for new infrastructure, and promoting fairness and cost savings for low-income households. 有水表的城市地区的缺水量较低,报告强调指出,有近四分之一的经处理的水因漏水而流失。 Urban regions with water meters show lower water losses, and the report highlights that nearly a quarter of treated water is lost to leakages. 这项研究强调设计完善的定价,鼓励消费者和供水服务提供者提高效率,更好地利用现有资源。 The research emphasizes well-designed pricing that encourages consumers and water service providers to improve efficiencies and use existing resources better.