澳大利亚人动用退休储蓄来支付未覆盖的医疗费用,这引发了监管担忧。 Aussies dip into retirement savings for uncovered medical costs, raising regulatory concerns.
澳大利亚人越来越多地提前使用他们的退休金来支付昂贵的治疗费用,如医疗保健计划未涵盖的牙科工作,从而造成退休储蓄的潜在短缺。 Australians are increasingly using their superannuation early to pay for expensive medical treatments like dental work not covered by Medicare, causing potential retirement savings shortfalls. 经批准的早期超级准入申请已从2018-19年的22,700份增加到去年的47,400份。 Approved applications for early super access have risen from 22,700 in 2018-19 to 47,400 last year. 一项调查发现了“令人不安”的做法,包括高额费用和获得批准的指导。 An investigation found "troubling" practices, including high fees and coaching for securing approval. 联邦政府计划禁止不公平贸易做法,呼吁澳大利亚税务局和卫生监管机构实行更严格的监管。 The Federal Government plans to prohibit unfair trading practices, with calls for stricter regulation by the Australian Tax Office and health regulators.