阿斯利康承诺通过新举措加强非洲的癌症检测和可及性。 AstraZeneca pledges to enhance cancer detection and access in Africa with new initiatives.
阿斯利康在世界癌症日重申了其对改善非洲癌症护理的承诺,强调早期发现和公平获得。 AstraZeneca reaffirmed its commitment to improving cancer care in Africa on World Cancer Day, emphasizing early detection and equitable access. 该公司正在与医疗保健提供商和政府合作,推出 Connect to Care(增强肺癌分子检测)和 Project Flamingo(用于乳腺癌检测的 AI 工具)等计划。 The company is working with healthcare providers and governments to launch initiatives like Connect to Care, which enhances molecular testing for lung cancer, and Project Flamingo, an AI tool for breast cancer detection. 这些努力旨在改善整个非洲大陆的诊断和治疗结果。 These efforts aim to improve diagnosis and treatment outcomes across the continent.