2025年世界癌症日强调改变生活方式以减少癌症风险,并呼吁改善全球癌症护理。 World Cancer Day 2025 emphasizes lifestyle changes to reduce cancer risk and calls for better global cancer care.
2月4日纪念世界癌症日,目的是提高对癌症的认识,促进预防、发现和治疗。 World Cancer Day, observed on February 4, aims to raise awareness about cancer and promote prevention, detection, and treatment. 2025年,重点是改变生活方式以减少癌症风险,如保持健康的饮食、保持活跃、避免吸烟和限制酒精、防晒和定期进行筛查。 In 2025, the focus is on lifestyle changes to reduce cancer risk, such as maintaining a healthy diet, staying active, avoiding tobacco and limiting alcohol, protecting against the sun, and scheduling regular screenings. 国际癌症控制联盟继续在全球推动更加公平和以病人为中心的癌症护理。 The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) continues to push for more equitable and patient-centered cancer care globally.