喀麦隆在乳腺癌宣传月推动乳腺癌早期诊断和治疗。 Cameroon promotes early breast cancer diagnosis and treatment during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
在乳腺癌意识月,喀麦隆正在促进乳腺癌的早期诊断和治疗,特别是在偏远地区。 During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cameroon is promoting early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, particularly in remote areas. 今年7 000多名被确诊妇女中约有60%死于晚期治疗,重点是教育和支助。 With around 60% of over 7,000 diagnosed women this year having died due to late treatment, the focus is on education and support. 世界卫生组织10月份的主题强调,任何人都不应单独面对乳腺癌。 The World Health Organization's October theme emphasizes that no one should face breast cancer alone. 政府为医院配备了有效诊断设备,人道主义团体正在伸出援手,鼓励人们提高认识和支持。 The government has equipped hospitals for effective diagnosis, and humanitarian groups are reaching out to encourage awareness and support.