Ye Olde Swiss Cottage 是一家拥有 200 年历史的伦敦酒吧,地铁站的名字由此而来,它突然关门了。 Ye Olde Swiss Cottage, a 200-year-old London pub inspiring an Underground station's name, suddenly closed.
伦敦的历史性酒吧"旧瑞士小屋" (Ye Olde Swiss Cottage) 在经营近200年后于2月1日突然关闭. Ye Olde Swiss Cottage, a historic pub in London that inspired the name of Swiss Cottage Underground station, closed suddenly on February 1 after nearly 200 years in operation. 这个酒吧以传统的英国苦食闻名,曾经是乳制品,在关闭后不久就被拆除了灯柱。 The pub, known for traditional English bitters and once a dairy, had its lampposts removed shortly after closing. 其关闭遵循了伦敦酒吧关闭趋势。 Its closure follows a trend of pub closures in London. 尽管为拯救该建筑作出了努力,但该建筑没有被列为遗产地,未来前景不明朗。 The building, not listed as a heritage site, faces an uncertain future despite efforts to save it.